Awards Registration

Kindly select your profile for Award Registeration

Profile Listing Details


  1. Property – A trademarked or copyrighted entity. It could be a name, likeness, logo, graphic, saying, signature, character or a combination of several of these elements
  2. Product – The concerned project that leases a trademarked or copyrighted entity (known as a "property") for its use

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Applications for this Award category are applicable to all companies who have procured licenses for a property from their original licensors and are exploiting it for monetary value and/or enhancing brand value
  2. The nominated product using the licensed property should have been available for public consumption during the period April 2017 – March 2018
  3. More than one application in an award category is also permitted if the applications are for different sub-categories. Please use a separate form for each application.
  4. Please use a relevant application form for each Award category


  1. Please complete the form in permanent ink (pencil applications will not be permitted)
  2. More than one application is permitted if the application is for a different product. Please use a separate form for each product
  3. Nominations without mandatory documents will not be accepted
  4. All questions must be answered. Incomplete forms may not be considered. You may use additional sheets of paper, if required.
  5. In case you don’t have an answer for any question, please write ‘NA’ for that question
  6. The declaration (at the end of this form) must be signed by a senior functionary of the organization (MD/Owner/Director/Any other senior functionary with signing authority)
  7. The form may be submitted in any of the following ways:
    a. Email the completed application form to [email protected]
    b. Send a hard copy of the completed application form via courier to: Mr. Aman Verma, License India, #602, The Pinnacle Business Tower, Shooting Range Road, Faridabad, Haryana - 121009 M: +91 9560911149 | Direct No.: +91 0129 4223354 | T: +91 0129 4223300
    c. Fill the form by clicking on the online link below
    The completed form must reach the Awards Management by 10th August 2018
  8. Please maintain one copy of the form with you for your records.
  9. If you have any questions, or require any clarifications, please contact Mr. Aman Verma | M: +91 9560911149 | Direct No.: +91 0129 4223354 | T: +91 0129 4223300
  10. The final eligibility of the nominees is subject to the discretion and approval of the Award management and Jury
  11. Employees (and their immediate family members) of License India are not allowed to participate


Please select the relevant category as applicable to your nominated product





: INR 10,000 | USD $155 + Taxes


  1. Property – A trademarked or copyrighted entity. It could be a name, likeness, logo, graphic, saying, signature, character or a combination of several of these elements
  2. Product – The concerned project that leases a trademarked or copyrighted entity (known as a “property”) for its use

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Applications for this Award category are applicable to all companies who hold the original rights to the property and have licensed out their property to other entities for monetary value and/or enhancing brand value
  2. The product using the licensed property should have been available for public consumption during the period April 2017 – March 2018
  3. More than one application in an award category is also permitted if the applications are for different sub-categories. Please use a separate form for each application.
  4. Please use the relevant application form for each Award category


  1. Please complete the form in permanent ink (pencil applications will not be permitted)
  2. More than one application is permitted if the application is for a different product. Please use a separate form for each product
  3. Nominations without mandatory documents will not be accepted
  4. All questions must be answered. Incomplete forms may not be considered. You may use additional sheets of paper, if required.
  5. In case you don’t have an answer for any question, please write ‘NA’ for that question
  6. The declaration (at the end of this form) must be signed by a senior functionary of the organization (MD/Owner/Director/Any other senior functionary with signing authority)
  7. The form may be submitted in any of the following ways:
    a. Email the completed application form to [email protected]
    b. Send a hard copy of the completed application form via courier to: Mr. Aman Verma, License India, #602, The Pinnacle Business Tower, Shooting Range Road, Faridabad, Haryana - 121009 M: +91 9560911149 | Direct No.: +91 0129 4223354 | T: +91 0129 4223300
    c. Fill the form by clicking on the online link below
    The completed form must reach the Awards Management by 10th August 2018
  8. Please maintain one copy of the form with you for your records.
  9. If you have any questions, or require any clarifications, please contact Mr. Aman Verma | M: +91 9560911149 | Direct No.: +91 0129 4223354 | T: +91 0129 4223300
  10. The final eligibility of the nominees is subject to the discretion and approval of the Award management and Jury
  11. Employees (and their immediate family members) of License India are not allowed to participate


Please select the relevant category within which your property falls into as applicable





: INR 10,000 | USD $155 + Taxes


  1. Property – A trademarked or copyrighted entity. It could be a name, likeness, logo, graphic, saying, signature, character or a combination of several of these elements

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Applications for this Award category are applicable to all licensing agencies who help the original rights holders to a property license it out to other entities for monetary value and/or enhancing brand value
  2. The nominated licensing agency should have been in commercial operation from on or before April 1, 2015
  3. Please use the relevant application form for each Award category


  1. Please complete the form in permanent ink (pencil applications will not be permitted)
  2. More than one application is permitted if the application is for a different product. Please use a separate form for each product
  3. Nominations without mandatory documents will not be accepted
  4. All questions must be answered. Incomplete forms may not be considered. You may use additional sheets of paper, if required.
  5. In case you don’t have an answer for any question, please write ‘NA’ for that question
  6. The declaration (at the end of this form) must be signed by a senior functionary of the organization (MD/Owner/Director/Any other senior functionary with signing authority)
  7. The form may be submitted in any of the following ways:
    a. Email the completed application form to [email protected]
    b. Send a hard copy of the completed application form via courier to: Mr. Aman Verma, License India, #602, The Pinnacle Business Tower, Shooting Range Road, Faridabad, Haryana - 121009 M: +91 9560911149 | Direct No.: +91 0129 4223354 | T: +91 0129 4223300
    c. Fill the form by clicking on the online link below
    The completed form must reach the Awards Management by 10th August 2018
  8. Please maintain one copy of the form with you for your records.
  9. If you have any questions, or require any clarifications, please contact Mr. Aman Verma | M: +91 9560911149 | Direct No.: +91 0129 4223354 | T: +91 0129 4223300
  10. The final eligibility of the nominees is subject to the discretion and approval of the Award management and Jury
  11. Employees (and their immediate family members) of License India are not allowed to participate




: INR 10,000 | USD $155 + Taxes

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Applications for this Award category are applicable to all firms who help the original rights holders to an intellectual property (IP) manage their rights (with respect to filing, management, monetization, strategy designing or implementation)
  2. The nominated IP firm should have been in commercial operation from on or before April 1, 2015
  3. Please use the relevant application form for each Award category


  1. Please complete the form in permanent ink (pencil applications will not be permitted)
  2. More than one application is permitted if the application is for a different product. Please use a separate form for each product
  3. Nominations without mandatory documents will not be accepted
  4. All questions must be answered. Incomplete forms may not be considered. You may use additional sheets of paper, if required.
  5. In case you don’t have an answer for any question, please write ‘NA’ for that question
  6. The declaration (at the end of this form) must be signed by a senior functionary of the organization (MD/Owner/Director/Any other senior functionary with signing authority)
  7. The form may be submitted in any of the following ways:
    a. Email the completed application form to [email protected]
    b. Send a hard copy of the completed application form via courier to: Mr. Aman Verma, License India, #602, The Pinnacle Business Tower, Shooting Range Road, Faridabad, Haryana - 121009 M: +91 9560911149 | Direct No.: +91 0129 4223354 | T: +91 0129 4223300
    c. Fill the form by clicking on the online link below
    The completed form must reach the Awards Management by 10th August 2018
  8. Please maintain one copy of the form with you for your records.
  9. If you have any questions, or require any clarifications, please contact Mr. Aman Verma | M: +91 9560911149 | Direct No.: +91 0129 4223354 | T: +91 0129 4223300
  10. The final eligibility of the nominees is subject to the discretion and approval of the Award management and Jury
  11. Employees (and their immediate family members) of License India are not allowed to participate




: INR 10,000 | USD $155 + Taxes
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