Francesca Ash

Publisher, Total Licensing

Francesca Ash

Publisher, Total Licensing

Francesca Ash became involved in the licensing industry in 1978 when she co-organised the first-ever character merchandising conference and exhibition. In the 1980s she became the first non-American officer of LIMA - the industry's trade association - a position she held for two years. Acknowledged as an expert in licensing on a worldwide basis, she is responsible for Total Licensing’s magazines and newsletters including Total Licensing, the flagship magazine, Total Art Licensing and The Total Licensing Report, a weekly co-published newsletter. Francesca has regularly addressed seminars and conferences including Licensing Expo, Surtex, The Frankfurt Book Fair, The Bologna Licensing Fair, various shows in Russia and Korea and Latin America amongst others.

Total Licensing magazine is the leading trade magazine for the industry on a worldwide basis. The magazine is published in print and digital formats and now has subscribers and readers in 106 countries. In addition, Total Licensing also publishes Total Brand Licensing, the only magazine that specialises in corporates brands and trademarks as well as some territory-specific magazines including Total Licensing China and Total Licensing Australia.

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