Retailers, Manufacturers & Distributors from across industries looking to build a successful business and empower products with renowned brand name.
Potential Investorstoleverage from 1000 + Business Ideas, compare and contrast to make an informed Business choice that best matches their interest.
Brand owners: Licensors/ potential licensors looking to make their brand licensing ready &increase revenue streams through this lucrative business model.
Small to Medium business owners wishing to expand or diversify their existing businesses & are looking for brands to empower their products.
Trade delegations and associations looking at larger business enlargement for members.
Strategic planners & Marketing professionals / Product sourcing professionals/ buyers/ merchandisers/ Product development team.
Agents/ Consultants: Licensing Agents; Marketing Agencies; Promotional Strategist scouting for new business avenues.
Who will Exhibit?
International brands scouting for retailers & manufacturers to expand their brand in the Indian market.
Domestic brands looking to diversify their product portfolio through a potential licensee (Retailer/manufacturer)
Brands across genres like Sports, Fashion & Lifestyle, Character, Music, Art, Entertainment, Sports, Collegiate and many more
Brands and Companies looking for investors to expand business in hybrid model (FEC, Theme Park, Salon, Restaurant, Academy and more)
Agents & Consultants exhibiting to provide consultation services on how to acquire license of these brands or make your brand licensing ready
Business Solution providers
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Partner Portal
Registration Closed
Thanks to all our Sponsors, Exhibitors, Speakers, Delegates, Nominees, Partners and Visitors for their Support & better.